
Instagram has changed our life for good. Whether you are a man or a woman, you must always be picture ready. Especially when you are at a party, you must look your best to capture those gram-worthy moments. While wearing fashionable clothes is important, it is simply not enough.

In order to look dashing, you must ensure that your beard is well-trimmed, your hair is styled fashionably and your face is radiating confidence. In short, you must not look like a homeless man. Wait. Don’t get overwhelmed. We are here to help with top 5 tips that will keep your party game top notch.

Keep Your Fragrance Game On

You are the life of the party. But not when you smell like sweat and dust. Thus, in order to live up to your reputation, you must keep your fragrance game strong. For starters, you must carefully select your perfume. You need one that will last longer. The first thing you must check is the concentration. A parfum will stick around the longest followed by eau de parfum and then eau de toilette.

Besides concentration, you must also be mindful of the ingredients. For instance, ingredients like musk, sandalwood, vetiver, amber, etc. are well-known for longevity. Therefore, you can go for a fragrance that consists of these components. In addition, where you choose to put on the perfume also matters. Warmer body parts like the neck and wrists burn off the scent quicker. Thus, it is better to put perfume on the chest or biceps for long lasting fragrance. 

Tame Your Beard 

A beard can make or break your entire appearance. Thus, it is crucial that you pay some special attention to your mane. Start by trimming your hair a day or two before the event. Besides the trimming, it is very important to condition your beard so that it doesn’t look all dry and rusty. It is always a good idea to oil your beard one night prior and to use a good beard serum before the party. For instance, Beard growth serum is well known for giving an added shine to your mane while also deeply nourishing it. After applying the serum, make sure to comb your beard for a neat, refined look.

Exfoliate and Moisturize Your Skin

A little pampering goes a long way when it comes to your skin. Start your party preps a couple of days early by exfoliating your skin. Use a mild exfoliator to remove dead skin cells, dirt and dust clogging your pores. Furthermore, using a toner can regulate the oil and give your skin a cleaner appearance. 

In addition to cleansing your skin, it is also important to condition and moisturize it for a plump, supple skin. Use a hydrating moisturizer that keeps dryness in check and makes your skin softer and smoother. However, keep in mind not to use any scented products on your face as they may contain paraben.

Don’t Shy Away from MakeUp

If you think that makeup is only for women, think again. From athletes to actors to influencers, all male idols wear makeup. We are not telling you to spend hours putting all kinds of color cosmetics on your face. What we are suggesting is to use subtle products like a concealer, ultra light foundation and eye creams to cover the bumps that may scar your flawless face. For instance, if you partied a little extra the previous night, you can use a night cream to cover your eyebags and hide those dark circles. If you are cursed with an accident scar or acne spots, then it is a good idea to use a concealer to cover the same. And lastly using an ultralight foundation like Skin Tint Moisturiser will give you an even skin tone, refining your natural allure. 

Style Your Hair

Coming to the most important aspect of your appearance- hair. While messy hair works for casual outings, when going to a party or a formal event, it is very important to groom your hair well and style it perfectly. If you have long hair, you can style them in a ponytail or a bun. If you want to let them loose then you can go for a shaggy or classic waves look. If you have shorter hair, then a slick back can never go wrong. Comb over and mullets are also good styles for a chic look. Before you begin styling, check you hair wax or hair gel and make sure that bit suits your hair type. 

Pro Tip- Always Carry a Gum

No matter how dashing you look, bad breath can be a total buzz kill. Therefore, make sure that you carry a mouth freshener or a gum with you. It will keep your breath fresh and will give you the confidence to ace any conversation. Also, you never know when you might get lucky. Those gums will come in handy. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.