
A garden is never truly complete without the regal presence of the Rose, the queen of flowers. They are the jewels of a home garden, and our eyes are instinctively drawn to the big, beautiful blooms of the fragrant rose flowering plant. They are the most pretty flowering shrubs and have been popular for centuries. From being a symbol of love to being a gardener’s delight, roses have earned themselves a distinct place in the world of flowers. If you also wish to have this gorgeous flower in your garden, head to Urvann for free next-day online rose plant delivery. Today, in this blog, let us talk about how to choose roses for your home garden. 

Understand Your Garden 

Roses are typical plants that need specific care and a proper environment to thrive. They come in many different varieties, and you can choose which ones to plant according to the conditions and space available in your garden. Also, it is necessary to understand that Roses flourish in areas with temperatures between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius. This is just perfect for them. The flowering plant needs at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to bloom, with well-draining fertile soil. Consider the factors mentioned above to ensure optimal growing conditions for your roses. If you live in a city such as Delhi, you can plant the rose flower as a seasonal flowering plant. 

Selecting The Right Roses 

The rose flowering plant comes in hundreds of varieties. From Desi Roses to English roses, the versatile shrub is boastful! You need to know that although the same, different varieties have different care requirements. The Kashmiri rose, e.g., requires gentle nurturing every day and more organic fertilizer than some other rose varieties. It is best if you read up on the care requirements of your favorite varieties of rose flowering plants and make an informed decision on whether necessary care can be provided. Our plants must live and thrive. Order rose plants for sale from Urvann, and enjoy giving your garden a makeover. 

Assess Growth Habits and Size

When choosing rose plants for your home garden, understanding how big your plant will grow is crucial for the aesthetics of your living areas and for the healthy growth of your plants. Some rose varieties, such as the Desi Rose or the English Rose, grow tall and upright and are perfect for people who have balcony gardens or want to add a focal point to their garden areas. There are many Rose varieties, such as the climbing Rose, a vine perfect for decorating porch areas or pergolas, creating a surreal dramatic vibe. Read about the rose varieties that thrive best in your area and get started on a beautiful, fragrant ride.


Considering these factors when planting roses in your garden and taking the time to research and plan will ensure that you have a wonderful time growing these stunning blooms. The rose flower plant may seem intimidating to succeed at first, but anyone can grow these beautiful flowers with the proper care and attention. 

Happy Gardening, Pip-Pip!

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.